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North Island

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Seasonal Jobs In North Island New Zealand

Auckland  (0) Bay-of-Plenty  (0)
Coromandel  (0) Gisborne  (0)
Hawkes-Bay  (0) Northland  (0)
Taranaki  (3) Waikato  (0)
Wanganui-Manawatu  (0) Wellington  (0)
Imagine an urban environment where everyone lives within half an hour of beautiful beaches, hiking trails and a dozen enchanted holiday islands. Add a sunny climate, a background rhythm of Polynesian culture and a passion for outstanding food, wine and shopping ? youre beginning to get the picture of Auckland. Aucklands blend of islands, Polynesian culture, glistening harbours and modern city environment creates an unbelievable lifestyle ranked amongst the best in the world.

The Auckland region is an antipasto of environments laid out on a huge platter to make one amazing city, boasting three harbours, two mountain ranges, 48 volcanic cones and more than 50 islands.
Aucklands population is approximately 1.3 million, making it by far the largest city in New Zealand, with one third of the countrys entire population.

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