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Box Making

Slatts Ladders ltd, Katikati - Bay-of-Plenty
Box Making, Factory Seasonal jobs in Katikati Bay-of-Plenty New Zealand

There are several positions available in the mount and Katikati with full time work on offer for those that fit in and prove themselves. Traymaking is a physical job where you work in a team of two. One person feeding cardboard into the machine and one person stacking the trays that come out made by the machine. The pay is piece rate so the harder you are willing to work the more you will get paid. This job is 6 days a week with night shift (7pm to 6am) positions as well as day shift (7am to 6pm) available also shorter shifts can be arranged.

Positions:     20
Pay:     Piece Rate 28 to 48 per hour

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